Failing to Plan Means Planning to Fail: The Arranged Marriage Edition

In the land of biryani, bustling bazaars, and beautiful weddings, one thing stands out: the age-old tradition of arranged marriages. Whether you're in the heart of Dhaka or residing in Dubai, the concept remains vibrant and relevant. But here's the kicker: failing to plan means you're planning to fail. Let's explore this idea with a sprinkle of wit and a dash of Bangladeshi charm.

The Prelude: The Proposal
Arranged marriages in Bangladesh often start with a well-coordinated dance of proposals. Families meet, exchange pleasantries, and of course, evaluate the prospects. But without proper planning, this initial stage can turn into a comedy of errors.

Scenario 1: The Mismatched Meeting
Imagine the groom's family showing up an hour early, while the bride's family is still scrambling to get the samosas ready. The groom's side is sitting awkwardly in the drawing-room, and someone shouts from the kitchen, "O ma, guest ashseee!" (Oh my, the guests have arrived!).

The Vetting Process
Proper planning involves thorough vetting of the prospective match. Background checks, horoscope matching (for the traditionalists), and ensuring compatibility in education and values are all essential.

Scenario 2: The Surprise Vegetarian
Picture this: a grand feast is laid out with mutton korma, chicken roast, and all the trimmings. The groom arrives and sheepishly admits, "Actually, I’m a vegetarian." The host family’s jaws drop, and the carefully planned menu turns into an unintended comedy.

The Financial Planning
Weddings can be expensive affairs. From the bridal trousseau to the venue, everything needs meticulous budgeting.

Scenario 3: The Budget Blowout
Without a solid financial plan, expenses can skyrocket. Suddenly, you find yourself negotiating with the decorator, "Is there a discount if we use fewer flowers?" Or worse, the wedding budget runs dry just as you're about to book the honeymoon tickets.

The Emotional Preparedness
In arranged marriages, emotional preparation is key. Both parties need to communicate and understand each other's expectations and aspirations.

Scenario 4: The Silent Couple
On the wedding night, instead of the joyous conversations expected, there’s an awkward silence. The couple realizes they haven't discussed anything beyond the wedding details. Planning those pre-marital conversations is crucial to avoid such awkward moments.

The Cultural Sensitivity
For Bangladeshis living abroad, incorporating cultural traditions into the wedding can be both a nostalgic and a logistical challenge.

Scenario 5: The Missing Mishti
Imagine planning a wedding in London and realizing last minute that there’s no decent mishti (sweets) available. A frantic search ensues, with someone finally suggesting, "Maybe we can fly them in from Dhaka?" Planning ahead can save you from such sugary crises.

The Humor in Planning
Even with the best-laid plans, things can go awry. But that's where the magic lies—in the unplanned, spontaneous moments that bring laughter and lasting memories.

Scenario 6: The Dance Floor Disaster
Despite planning everything down to the last detail, the DJ plays the wrong song for the first dance. The groom tries to save face by doing an impromptu dance, and the bride joins in, creating a hilarious, memorable moment that everyone talks about for years.

Planning is the backbone of a successful arranged marriage. From the initial meetings to the grand celebration, every step requires careful thought and preparation. But beyond the meticulous planning, it’s the ability to handle the unexpected with grace and humor that truly makes the journey special.

So, whether you’re organizing a wedding in Sylhet or Seattle, remember: failing to plan means you’re planning to fail. But also, don't forget to leave a little room for spontaneity and laughter—because those unplanned moments often turn out to be the most cherished memories.