Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a submitter and a candidate?

The person for whom a match is being sought is called a "Candidate". Essentially, the candidate is the person who is going to get married after a perfect match is found. Each candidate has a profile on our system which describes the candidate. The person who creates the profile of the candidate is called a "Submitter". It is possible for the same person to be both submitter and candidate of a profile.

What is a profile?

A profile is a description of a candidate who is supposed to get married. It lists various information about the candidate including photos, physical attributes, interests, and so on.

What is private and public information?

  • Private Information: All information about the candidate. Other users require permission to access this information, and can be viewed only if the candidate accepts the butterfly.
  • Public Information: A subset of the profile that is visible in the search and suggestion. Other users do not require permission to access it.

What is the "Add to Favourites" option?

When you review the public information on a profile of a candidate and you would like to remember this profile for future reference or to show it to your family before sending Butterfly to the candidate, you can add the Profile to your Favourites. In future, you can access the Favourites list by following the menu path: Other Profiles -> Favourites.

How to send a Private Information Access Request?

Any user can view the public information on the profile of another user without any permission. However, in order to view the private information of that profile, you require permission from the user who created the profile. You need to send one butterfly to the user of your interest. If the candidate likes your profile, s/he would send out one butterfly. The merging of both the butterflies allows you both to view each other’s entire profiles, except for names, phone numbers, full addresses, and email addresses. Once the Private Information Access Request is approved, both parties can also send messages to each other via the Message Box. No contact information is shared from our end. What you decide to share while chatting is completely up to you. However, we would request you not to disclose any bank and card information. Please be safe and share information cautiously.

What are the Assisted Services?

  • Getting the aid of our executive to fill out your form. It can be done through a phone call or any medium you prefer.
  • Seeking the help of experienced matchmakers on our platform to help you find matches. You would not need to go through profiles yourself to shortlist, the dedicated match maker will do that for you.
  • Taking a matchmaker along with you when you decide to go for the first meet-up. It is often preferred for ice breaking purposes.

These services are paid services.

How do I pay?

You can pay online using a debit/credit card. When you try to make payment on our site, you will be asked how you want to pay. All fees and payments are calculated in BDT.

What are the paid services?

Registration and Profile Creation are absolutely FREE! You do not need to pay for viewing profiles and sending them butterflies. However, it is limited to 3 butterflies per user. If you are in a hurry to check out more profiles, you would need to purchase more per-view-per-day and more butterflies to send. You can purchase butterflies from Buy Butterflies, click here.

Other optional costs include:

  • Verified profiles: if you are interested to get your profile verified, which would help you get more responses as it would be considered trusted.
  • Spotlight: if you want to make your Profile stand out in a Search result page amongst thousands of other Profiles and increase your chances of being contacted.
  • Personalized matchmaking services: if you are busy checking the profiles, and would like to appoint a dedicated experience matchmaker to handle your case and contact you by your preferred mode of communication to discuss your requirements and procedures.
  • Text Alerts for notifications: if you want to get notifications on your cell phone when someone shows interest in your profile, or when you get chatting messages. This feature needs to be renewed every month.
  • Chatting: if you like the profile of someone, and that person likes yours too, you both can agree to chat. The option will be available after payment.
  • Assisted Services during meetings: if you are interested to take a matchmaker during the first meeting for smooth procedures.

How do I choose a matchmaker?

You will be assigned a matchmaker upon availability as we intend to provide focused and dedicated services. If you are not comfortable with your assigned matchmaker, feel free to request for a change.

How much do I pay my matchmaker during the meeting?

You need not pay the matchmaker anything separately in person. The fee for the service will be charged from the website beforehand.

How do I register on

All you need to do is, fill out the required information in the Registration Form as accurately as possible and click on the 'Submit' button at the end of the questionnaire.

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

Can I register on behalf of a relative or a friend?

Yes, you can. In the Registration Form, you can specify your relationship with the person on whose behalf you are registering.

How much do I have to pay to register on

Registration on is FREE.

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

What are the benefits of registering on

You can avail the following services for FREE:

  • Create and manage your profile on
  • Add Photos to your Profile
  • Add your Partner Preferences - the kind of person you are looking for
  • Search and View Profiles of suitable prospects
  • Shortlist a Profile that you like
  • Express Interest in other Members and respond to Members who Express Interest in you (this is limited to the 3 butterflies that are assigned to you; if you are willing to express interest in more than 3 members, you would need to purchase butterflies as per you need)

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

How long does it take to register and create a Profile on

Registration and Profile creation on can be completed in less than 10 minutes. 1 step to register and 8 easy steps consisting mostly of drop-down answer options, you can create your Profile on

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

The form seems to be a bit lengthy. Do I need to fill it entirely?

We understand that it may become tedious for you to fill in a long form in one go. However, matrimonial decisions are important decisions and hence one should convey detailed information about oneself to Interested Members. The more information you provide about yourself the more likely you are to be contacted by other Members. So please do take the time and effort to complete your Profile.

If you are in a hurry, you can skip some segments of the form and later get back to it for complete registration.

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

While registering and creating a Profile, can I avoid providing information in the compulsory fields?

No. All the compulsory fields have to be filled in order to complete the registration and profile creation process. These compulsory fields provide essential information about you to other Members who view your Profile.

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

Can I specify more than one email during registration?

No. You may specify only one email while registering. You can however change your email address later if you wish.

My answer is not listed among the drop-down options in the Registration form. What should I do?

We have tried to be as comprehensive as possible while creating the many lists being used in the Registration form. However, it is possible that your particular answer may not be listed here.

In such a case we request that you use the 'Other' option provided to you. Also, you can send an email to, and clearly list the new addition you would like us to make to the Registration form. While we do not guarantee that your suggestion will be Accepted, we will try our best to ensure that it does.

The registration form requires information which I am not sure of. What shall I do?

These details are usually of interest for matching. You may leave these details blank if you are not sure of answers to these questions. However, we recommend that you try and find these answers and enter them later. This information will be for better matrimonial matches and helping your profile to reach more users.

What is a Profile ID? Is it important?

A Profile ID is automatically generated by the website and uniquely identifies your Profile on Every Member has a unique Profile ID. However, it does not represent your serial during registration. It is randomly generated.

Other Members can search for your Profile using the Profile ID search feature.

Are there any specific DOs and DON'Ts while creating a matchmaking Profile on

Do not make commercial use of it and do not include content that is vulgar, pornographic or racist. See our terms and conditions agreement for more details of what type of content is prohibited.

Do ensure to be as detailed as possible while creating your Profile. After your Profile is activated, be sure to fill in the Partner Profile and also to upload a photograph. The more information you add, the more your chances of finding a life partner.

Register Now with and create your Profile. Don’t wait for love to find you!

While registering, I got an error message that says that my email is already registered with and that I must specify another email. Why does this happen?

Every Profile posted on is associated with only one unique email. You may have received this error message because you or someone else has already posted a Profile using this email. If you think your email is being used by someone else, please send us an email from the address that is under contention and let us know.

Why should I set my Partner Preferences?

Setting your Partner Preferences tells us more about the kind of partner you are looking for and helps our AI to suggest better matching Profiles for you.

How do I Login and Logout from

The Login and Logout options are found at the top right corner of the page

Click here to Login to

Can I be permanently logged into my account to avoid logging in every time I visit

We encourage logging in every time due to security concerns even if you do not share the computer/laptop or cell-phone.

Will any member know when I am logged in?

No. If you are at the chatting stage, you can only send a message to your interested partner to let them know your presence.

I forgot my password, what should I do?

If you have forgotten your password, we can send it to you via email.

Click here to Forgot Password and enter your email; you will receive your Login and Password credentials immediately.

How can I change my password?

Click here to Edit page and go to change your password. The Edit page can be accessed if your mouse hover your Profile ID on the top right, after you login.

How can I create a new Profile on

Creating your profile is easy and completely FREE of cost. All you need to do is fill in our FREE Registration form.

How do I edit my Profile?

Click here to Edit your Profile. You can also access this page by clicking on Edit Profile by mouse hovering your Profile ID on the top right, after you login.

How can I change my Display Name on my Profile?

You cannot change your Display Name, that is your Profile ID. This unique identification number is your identity on in order to protect your name and ensure privacy and security.

Can I change any/all of my Profile information from the Edit Profile page?

You can change most of the information in your Profile. However, there are some items (e.g. your date of birth, gender, marital status, hometown, blood group, etc.) that can be changed only in exceptional circumstances. To change these fields please write to Customer Support at providing a valid reason for the change.

Can I change my email after registering and creating my Profile?

Click here to access the My Account page and edit your email.

My profile is only partially visible. Why?

This is to provide privacy and security so that your personal information is not available readily on the website. You can choose with whom you are interested to share all your information by sending a butterfly as a symbol, that too except for your name and contact details. We request you to never disclose your name and contact details to anyone during chatting through the platform. If you decide to proceed with someone for marriage, only then it would be wise to share the details.

Will my Profile be searchable online on any search engine?

Under normal circumstances, it won't be discoverable in search engines but if you have mentioned your name in your profile ‘About me’ section then there are chances of profile being discoverable in search engines via full name.

Can I hide my profile temporarily?

Yes, you can. To hide your Profile, click on the Hide / Delete Profile link.

Can I selectively hide my Profile from only some Members?

No. If you choose to hide your Profile, it will be hidden from Members. However, you can block profiles of others.

Can I add my hobbies and Interests to my Profile?

Yes, you can add your Hobbies & Interests.

If your specific hobby or Interest is not included, please write to us and we will try to add it to the list.

Is it necessary to add a photo to my Profile? How can I add photos?

Adding a photo to your Profile increases the possibility of finding prospects or getting responses. Statistics state that you are likely to receive 10 times as many responses if you add a Profile photo. You can add up to 5 photos to your Profile on

I am now happily married to another Member of Can I share the wonderful news with other Members? How do I go about doing this?

We are thrilled and happy to know that you found your life partner on We would be more than happy to share this wonderful news with other Members, on your behalf. Your details will be posted in the Success Stories section of Click here to send us your Success Story.

Why should I add my photograph to my Profile?

Adding a photo to your Profile increases the possibility of finding prospects or getting responses. Statistics state that you are likely to receive 10 times as many responses if you add a Profile photo. You can add up to 5 photos to your Profile on

Is it safe to add my photos along with the Profile?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to add Photos to your Profile. The photos are not downloadable from the website.

While uploading my photograph, I saw an error message, what does this mean?

Jpg is the most popular digital image format on the internet. accepts only images in jpg and png formats for Profile photos.

Why are my uploaded photos not appearing on my Profile? screens all photographs uploaded by Members to ensure that these photos are genuine and do not violate socially accepted norms. It takes us up to 24 hours to screen your photos, during which period your photos will not be visible.

What privacy options are available for photos?

The photos are not downloadable from the website. Moreover, there are watermarks on the photos after you upload them.

HSearching and Matching Profiles

How can I search for Profiles on What are the search options available?

To search for Profiles on, you can use any of the following options:

  • Basic Search - Profiles matching the Partner Preferences will appear on the list
  • Advanced Search - filter options by age, height, hometown, marital status, blood group, present location, highest education, occupation, it is a detailed search option
  • Refined Search - search by specific profile ID
  • Saved Search - any profile shortlisted will be available in this option
  • Refined Search - search by specific profile ID
  • Migrated - the list of profiles to whom butterflies have been sent (including the rejected ones)

In what order are my search results listed?

Search results are shown by default using a custom algorithm developed by This is used to maximise responses to your Profile.

In the search results I can see some small icons next to some of the Profiles. What do those icons mean?

The icons represent that the information on the profiles are verified by

What is the Matches feature? How does it work?

Based on your Profile and Partner Preferences, shows you a list of Profiles under your Basic Search/Matches list.

  • Exact Matches: These are Members who exactly match your Partner Preferences
  • Good Matches: These are Members who match some of your Partner Preferences and are slightly outside some of your other Preferences.
  • Probable Matches: These Members have set Partner Preferences that match your Profile information.
  • Ideal Matches: Both of you match each other’s Partner Preferences.

Can I shortlist Profiles that I like on

Yes, you can.

Can I get a list of Members who have visited my Profile?


Contacting & responding to Members on

How can I contact other Members on

You can contact Members that you like by sending a butterfly showing Interest in their Profiles. These Members will receive a notification. These Members can choose to respond to your butterfly by sending a butterfly themselves, or by ignoring it.

What does the Ignore feature do?

When someone sends you a butterfly showing interest in you, you may ignore it if you are not interested.

When someone ignores your butterfly, you get the butterfly back and can use it again.

Can I Decline a Member after sending a butterfly to him/her?

Yes, you can. However, if both of you send a butterfly to each other, then you would not get back the butterfly by declining.

Can I Accept a Member after Declining him/her?

Yes, you can.

If I send a butterfly to a Member, and the Member sends a butterfly to me, will I be able to Cancel the Interest later?

Yes, you can. However, you would not get back the butterfly for reuse.

I saw a Profile that I like on Can the Customer Support Team of help me contact this Member?

While our teams strive to facilitate matrimony between its Members, the team is not authorised to contact Members on your behalf. You may want to consider the Assisted Services option, where a dedicated match maker will aid you in reaching out to your selected candidates.

Who can I see online on my Chat list?

Accepted Members – the ones who have sent you a butterfly after getting one from you, or got one from you after sending one themselves.

i.e. Members who have agreed to chat with you.

If I am already chatting with someone and do not wish to continue, what can I do?

You can inform the person during chatting that you do not want to proceed, and can delete the chatting or block the person.

I sent a butterfly to a person, and the person sent me one too. But I do not wish to Chat after viewing the entire profile, what do I do?

You can ignore or block the person without initiating the chat.

Will my butterfly be impacted if I ignore or block the person after viewing the entire profile?

Yes. Once you send as well as receive a butterfly and view a detailed profile, that butterfly is considered to have fulfilled its duties, and is allowed to fly away. Hence, you cannot reuse that butterfly.

What is the Block Member feature? When should I use it?

You can choose to Block Members if you do not wish them to view your Profile or contact you on This Member will not be shown again to you. If you change your mind, and wish to Unblock this Member, you need to email to and explain the situation.

Where can I Report about a Profile? When should I use it?

You can Report a Profile to the Safety team through the Report feature on the Customer Support option, whenever you observe any misuse, e.g. False Profile information, Fake/Obscene photos, abusive messages, etc. Reporting a Profile will automatically Block the Member as well.

How can I pay on

We accept all leading debit and credit cards. You can use your debit/credit card to make a payment online.

What types of credit cards are accepted for payment?

We accept all Master and Visa credit cards.

Is the online Debit/Credit Card payment system secured on

Yes, 100% Secure! Your credit card information is entered on a Secure Server using SSL Technology and 128 Bit Encryption which is one of the highest levels of security provided by websites. The information is transmitted in an encrypted fashion to our payment gateway and your card is charged online. Finally, to provide the highest level of security, we do not store your credit card information on our online server at any time.

I placed an order and was given an Invoice ID afterwards. What is an Invoice ID?

The Invoice ID uniquely identifies the payment made by you for a specific service. After you are given the Invoice ID, be sure to make a note of it and save it for later reference. When you correspond with the Customer Support at, your Invoice ID will help us to quickly track your details.

I have already made a payment, but the service is not yet active. Why?

Sometimes it takes up to 12 hours for the payment notification to reach us. We will notify you via email, once we receive the payment.

What is the refund policy?

Since allows its Members to give permission before charging for the chatting feature with other Members, or any other services, we generally do not refund. You cannot ask for a refund for any of the unused butterflies.

I am facing an error while using What should I do?

We are sorry that you are facing an error while trying to use our services. We urge you to report this error to our Customer Support, click here, with the following details:

  • The URL, that leads to the error
  • The error message
  • The date, time and location of access when you encounter the error.

What are browser cookies? Why are they important for using uses cookies to deliver the various services and to keep track of your personal preference. A cookie is a small text file that can be entered into the memory of your browser to help a website recognize repeat users, facilitate the user's ongoing access to and use of the site and make content improvements and targeted advertising.

Please note that the use of cookies is a necessary part of the technology and are necessary if you wish to access the website. Disabling the cookie feature on your browser or deleting cookie files from your computer will render you unable to access certain features on and participate in its services. Cookies may also be necessary to provide the user with certain features such as customized delivery of information. uses cookies to provide its core matrimonial service, to deliver content specific to your Interests, and for other purposes. We do not and will not use cookies to collect private information from any user. Please note that cookies are used only to recollect information sent to your computer from We CANNOT access any information on your computer that is not sent by

Why don't I see any new content on I see the same content as yesterday.

The reason for this could be related to your Internet Browser. Your browser seems to be displaying old content and is not refreshing the content. This is called caching. To refresh your page successfully, access your content settings and clear your cache.