Is There Any Formula to Determine If a Marriage Would Work?

Determining whether a marriage will work is as elusive as predicting Dhaka traffic or the weather in Chittagong during monsoon. While there isn't a foolproof formula, a blend of scientific insights and practical wisdom can provide some guidance. So, whether you're nestled in Narayanganj or navigating life in New York, here are some insightful pointers for you:

The Love Equation
First off, love isn't just about the fluttery feelings. Mutual respect, trust, and understanding are essential. Remember, "love isn't just looking at each other; it's looking in the same direction," even if that direction involves navigating through a sea of extended family members and their opinions.

Communication is Key
In this age of technology, with WhatsApp, Messenger, and endless video calls, authentic conversation remains irreplaceable. "The couple that talks together, stays together." Discuss issues openly and work through disagreements. After all, nothing beats the bonding over a cup of cha and some adda.

Shared Responsibilities
Modern marriage thrives on sharing responsibilities. From cooking to cleaning to taking care of the kids, sharing chores strengthens the bond. "A family that cleans together, gleams together." Remember, it’s no longer just "Ghorer kaaj Meyer kaaj"; it’s everyone’s job.

Family and Friends
If you're living abroad, staying connected with family back home is crucial. Regular calls during Eid or Puja, sharing updates and stories, keeps the bond alive. "Close-knit families stay tight even across continents."

Financial Stability
Money matters can make or break a marriage. Plan your expenses, save for the future, and avoid unnecessary debts. A well-thought-out budget can prevent those end-of-the-month squabbles. "Financial peace leads to marital ease."

Common Interests
Engage in activities that you both enjoy. Whether it’s a cooking class, trekking, or just binge-watching a Bangla drama, shared hobbies can bring you closer. "Couples that play together, stay together."

Personal Space
Every relationship needs a balance between togetherness and personal space. Respect each other’s need for some alone time. "A happy marriage is like a long conversation that always seems too short"—but even then, everyone needs a breather.

A Dash of Humor
Life’s too short to take everything seriously. Laugh together, share jokes, and find humor even in mundane situations. "The couple that laughs together lasts together." Laughter truly is the best medicine for a healthy relationship.

A successful marriage boils down to three key ingredients: love, respect, and a lot of patience. Handling the in-laws, managing the household, and nurturing the bond with your partner—all require effort and dedication.

So, is there a formula to determine if a marriage will work? Not really. But with love, mutual respect, and a bit of Bangladeshi resilience, you can certainly stack the odds in your favor. Remember, there’s no magic formula, just a lot of love and some hard work.