No Need to Panic: Arranged Marriages Are Not What You Think

When the topic of arranged marriage comes up, some people might instantly feel a chill down their spine, imagining awkward conversations, forced smiles, and a lifetime of "What ifs?" But before you break into a sweat, let’s take a step back and ask—why be scared of arranged marriage?

First off, arranged marriage is not about being pushed into a relationship with a complete stranger. It's more like having your own personal team of matchmakers (aka your family) who have your best interests at heart. They’re not just picking anyone off the street; they’re carefully vetting, investigating, and comparing notes, all to find someone who checks your boxes—sometimes even the ones you didn’t know you had.

Think of it this way: while dating apps might match you with someone based on a quick swipe, an arranged marriage setup is like having a highly personalized algorithm, except this one includes your mom’s sixth sense and your dad’s knowledge of the extended family tree. Plus, in the age of platforms like Bolo Kobul, you get the best of both worlds—tradition and technology. You can connect with your potential partner, chat, and decide at your own pace, all with the safety net of cultural compatibility and family support.

And let’s not forget, arranged marriages often come with an entire entourage of advice, support, and the occasional pep talk from well-meaning relatives. Sure, it can be overwhelming, but it’s also a process grounded in community, values, and, ultimately, love.

So, why be scared? Embrace it. After all, in an arranged marriage, you’re not walking into the unknown alone—you’re stepping into a journey backed by generations of wisdom, with a little help from modern-day matchmaking magic.