Who Should Pay The Bill During First Meet?

Who should pay the bill during the first meet is an age-old debate. Even in this era of feminism and women being financially independent, most women would still rather prefer the men pay during the first meet. It does not make the woman any less independent but rather demonstrates the man to be a gentleman. Apart from being chivalrous and courteous, taking control exudes confidence and gives the woman a sense of security; because no matter how independent women are, they love being taken care of, pampered and appreciated.
When we are talking about first meet ups, men instinctively think it has to be something extravagant. When in reality, it does not take up much to make any women happy. Most women are simply impressed by a bouquet of flowers or even by the man remembering how she likes her coffee. Similarly, in case of first meet ups, the man can simply take the woman to a place where the man’s wallet does not end up feeling lighter. After-all, women are supposed to be impressed by the company they are with and not by the place they are at.